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The relationship of drilling fluids rheology and drilling operation (part2)


drilling operation
We last left off on one main function of the rheology is to bring the cuttings out of the oil well, but what does it exactly mean? In fact, the good rheology plays a significant role in this process.

First of all, good rheology makes the low solid drilling fluid capable of bring the cuttings out, second, it solved the issue that the low viscosity can’t bring cuttings, the third one, good rheology can maintain the wellbore stability.

In general speaking, if we want make the wellbore stable, there are some measures and methods we can take to make it successful.
1) choose the XC biological polymer such as HEC, PHPA, FA367 and so on;
2) by using the equipment method, we can reduce the useless solid in the drilling fluids;
3) add the right amount of the lime, plaster powder, calcium chloride.
